HIPS-NET Hydrogen in Pipeline Systems – Network
HIPS-NET is a network of about 40 partners and aims to establish a common European understanding on the H2 tolerance of the existing natural gas grid.
We provide a professional „Technology Watch“ and share available information on the H2 tolerance of the gas grid from both running and completed projects. The information is distributed to our network partners on a regular basis in newsletters and during workshops.
Dedicated investigations, tests and research are not covered, but could be initiated by the network.
The NETWORK is considered as a GERG project (GERG is the European Gas Research Group).

Core Topics HIPS-NET
HIPS-NET is concerned with hydrogen tolerance of the gas grid infrastructure. The following topics are highlighted in particular:
- Pure hydrogen infrastructure
- Standardisation and politics
- European and national regulation
- Gas turbines and engines
- Underground gas storage
- Natural gas as working medium
- Safety specifics
- Cross border transmission
- Education & certification of operators
- Energy metering

Benefits for HIPS-NET Partners
The HIPS-NET partners are informed in regular newsletters (six per year) on the latest available knowledge that can be gathered on a royalty-freely basis. This knowledge enables strategic decision making in the context of hydrogen in gas grids but also in the wider field of utilisation.
The network allows partners to maintain contact with other active players and institutions that are interested in establishing a common understanding of H2 limits in the gas grid.
HIPS-NET partners can also contribute with their knowledge and experience and, thereby, influence the common understanding of what is possible concerning hydrogen in the gas grid, which can assist in directing attention on R&D activities necessary to remove bottlenecks. Partners will have the opportunity to investigate open R&D fields if necessary by forming consortia.
Every year in summer, all partners are invited to a HIPS-NET workshop, where there are exciting presentations on the core topics and plenty of room for intensive exchange among each other.
HIPS-NET Workshops

Workshop 2025
Further information will follow.

Workshop 2024
- The Gas Package and further European developments
- Regulatory scope of hydrogen underground storage
- Experiences: Hydrogen Network Netherlands
- Capacity management of the gas grid with multiple renewable gas suppliers
- Engineering assessment for H2 blending into natural gas networks
- Need for further research on the difference between the lower flammability level and the lower explosion level of hydrogen

Workshop 2023
- National hydrogen strategies (Hydrogen Europe)
- Key results of THyGA-testing (DGC)
- Developments in EU legislation in the field of H2 (Eurogas)
- HyDelta: digitalization of the (future) gas grid (TNO)
- Current situation in Spain (Enagás)
- H2 Infrastructure Map (ENTSOG)
Partners from over 13 countries

Join us now!

Managing Director
Gert Müller-Syring

HIPS-NET Organization