
Hydrogen technology

The DBI-Group

The DBI-group serves the entire gas supply value chain, from extraction to storage, network transportation and the efficient, environmentally friendly use of renewable energy sources. The DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH combines both the development of new technologies for the use of renewable gaseous energy sources and the introduction of innovative technologies into practice. The subsidiary, DBI – Gastechnologisches Institut gGmbH Freiberg, conducts research into fundamental issues.

Our departments

The projects of the DBI-Group

Your career at the DBI Group

Over 150 motivated employees, flat hierarchies and a pleasant working atmosphere are the hallmarks of a committed team. We see ourselves as a reliable employer that supports and challenges its employees throughout their careers. We employ people who are committed to our corporate goals. We are a family-friendly company and expressly follow the legal principles of equal treatment.

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